Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Schedule Additions and a Return to HNF

So it is the first week of February and I’m already making changes to the schedule from my last post…, two weeks ago. Hmm. Anyway, I’m happy to announce that the Sub 9 Death March is now on the calendar for March 8, 2014. After a self imposed hiatus last year, this year’s edition was a no go due to an impending jury trial set to kick off on March 3. Granted it would have likely ended by Friday the 7th, but juries are peculiar things and deliberations could have easily gone long. Plus, I would have been beat mentally after a week of trial. So, no Death March.

BUT, after one of the strangest series of events I have run across thus far in my legal career, the trial date was vacated. And coincidently enough, my friend Aaron (remember the Gravel Grovel? Yeah, same Aaron) approached me about partnering up for the race. Once the trial went away, I said of course. So, we’ll be teaming up in a hybrid team thing, since Aaron rides for Matthew’s mountain bike team, and I for another. Yes, I got on a team for this season, but I’m not going to reveal that until I have the kit and can slap photos of that all over a post.
So, the season has been bumped up two weeks. How is the training going? Swimmingly, although mostly indoors. Luckily, I have been getting in good workouts (I think) on my spin bike using a few Sufferfest videos I downloaded which cover a variety of situations from intervals to endurance and climbing. Of course, for a race like the Death March some outdoor hill training and endurance is needed. Problem is this winter. Snow, snow, more snow, sub-zero temps, ice, snow. It just won’t stop. I put in 100 actual outdoor miles in January. So far in February I have….4.8. Considering the 7 inches of snow we got last night, the spin bike is going to be getting more use this month.

Death March 2012. The Elkinsville Cemetery Sign had seen better days.
***Also, I need some intelligence on a Death March potential route. Two years ago on the DM my partner and I nabbed Cornett Cemetery and then dove right onto Hickory Ridge Trail 16 à 14 in order to get to Callahan Cemetery. I did not particularly enjoy that route, and was wondering about attacking Callahan via the Trail 17 trail head just south of Hanner Cemetery. Any thoughts? Anyone?***

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