Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Barry Roubaix Weather Watch

A local weather report just mentioned the possibility of a storm coming through next Monday into Tuesday. While this would bring us some rain, the weatherman then mentioned that there could be “significant snow bands across Wisconsin and into the lower peninsula of Michigan.”

Well great. A snow storm in Michigan a few days before the Barry Roubaix. Maybe I should invest in a Fatbike. Snow could make the race interesting and could be fun. Snow melting into mud would make the race interesting in a less fun way. Plus, snow fall doesn’t bode well for any course drying. I’ve been living vicariously through reports of recon rides on the BR Facebook site. These seem dominated with reports that early a.m. riding was fine but conditions are quickly turning into “peanut butter” type mud fairly quickly. Overall very nasty sounding. I was hoping for some mild temperatures this week and next to help dry the course but that is seeming less likely. Still, the report I heard today is for a week out, so the situation is still fluid. Apparently weather is not an exact science and sometimes the weatherman can be wrong.

1 comment:

  1. During the next 48-h, a few weak troughs in westerly flow will move through (see upper level--500 weather in the lake district
    \ hPa--chart for Friday afternoon). The result will be fairly substantial precipitation over the
